Diana Fan Testimony 私の証

Testimony Diana Fan
I found answers in the Bible and accepted Jesus as my Savior. Diana encourages others to explore the Bible for themselves if they have questions about God or life.





しかし、私が初めて会社に出て働いてから、事態は変わっていきました。とても忙しい毎日でしたから家に帰ると疲れてただ寝るだけでした。毎日ただ仕事から帰って寝るという同じことを繰り返し、週末になると急にすることがなくなると寂しく虚しい思いに駆られました。そういった時です。 “人生とは何なのか”と思い始めました。自分を仕事あるいは趣味で忙しくしていようとしてもなぜか虚しい思いを取り去ることはできませんでした。

そんな時私は日本語を勉強しておりました。先生の名前は藤原さんでした。しかし数か月でそのクラスは終わってしまいました。というのは彼女がガンにかかってしまったからです。藤原先生は非常に元気な人でしたから私にとって非常にショックでした。なぜこんなことが起こるのだろう。自分の命もいつ、どんな形で終わってしまうのかわからないと思い出すとまた、 “人生いったい何だろう ”という問題が強く自分の中にわきあがってきました。







===========ENGLISH ==========

My Testimony

Good evening everyone. Nice to meet you, my name is Diana. First of all, I would like to introduce myself briefly. I am married and have a 9-year-old daughter. I am a lecturer and teaching accounting at a vocational school in Singapore.

Thank you for inviting me to join the Joy Group today and for giving me the opportunity to share with you about how I became a Christian.

Well, let’s get started.

It was 30 years ago that I accepted Jesus as my Savior, but when I try to remember how I came to know Him and accepted Him as Lord, many memories came flashing in my mind.

In fact, accepting Jesus is not something that happens so quickly, and many things happen in life, but each and every one of these events seems to lead us in one direction.

When I was a student, my life was very easy and I didn’t have to worry too much. Every day was school, home, and friends. If there was one thing I was worried about, it was whether I would be able to do well for exams. Moreover, my friends were always around me, so I didn’t feel lonely.

But things changed when I first got out and worked. Each day was busy and a repetition of work, getting tired, home and getting to bed. On the weekends I would suddenly feel lonely and empty. That’s when I began to wonder, “What is life?” Even if I tried to keep myself busy with work or hobbies, for some reason I couldn’t get rid of the emptiness.

At that time, I was studying the Japanese language. The teacher’s name was Fujiwara-san. But within a few months, the class was over as teacher Fujiwara contracted cancer. Teacher Fujiwara was a very energetic and healthy-looking person, so it was a shock to me. “Why does this happen?” I thought. I did not know when or in what form my life would end and the question of “What is life?” came up strongly in me.

I visited Teacher Fujiwara at the hotel the day before she returned to Japan for cancer treatment. By chance, a Christian couple named Mori was visiting, and Mr. Mori shared one testimony of how a person fought cancer till his death.

It was about how Jesus gave him strength. I didn’t understand everything at my level of Japanese proficiency, but I was so touched in the heart that I cried. But Teacher Fujiwara didn’t cry, but courageously listened to the story.

After exchanging letters for several months, I learned that Teacher Fujiwara had accepted Jesus into her life. It was clear in the letter that even though her body was sick, her mind was strong, and she seemed to have the inner power to face her illness.

All these brought to mind many memories. How my friends who became Christians changed. When I visited Japan as a student, how kind the people in the Christian family were. When I was doing a homestay at Hakodate, (Hokkaido) Japan, the words left by an American friend touched my heart. Half way through the homestay programme, she had to go back to America because her father passed on. On the way back, she wrote me a letter on the plane and shared her experience. Even though it was unstable and cloudy like the weather in Hakodate, as the jet pierced through the clouds and rose above, there was a wonderful ray of sunshine. She told me that the death of her father had encouraged her to look ahead with hope even in the midst of sorrow and despair.

The question of who is this God who can change the lives of these people kept ringing in my mind. Who is this God who gives strength and hope to those who live in the face of suffering and sorrow? Finally, I found the answer in the Bible.

If, like me, you have a question about God or life, why don’t you read the Bible and find the answer for yourself?

Thank you.

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