私は4歳のとき、父が麻薬密売の原因で入獄しました。家族が貧しかったんです。母はあま り学がないですから、お金が十分もらえませんでした。私たちは麻薬中毒者や娼婦や暴力団 がいるところの近くに住んでいました。最初のとき、恐れても、仕方がなくて、その家ばか りがありませんでしたから。
イエス様を信じてから、イエス様の愛を受けて、昔の恐れを打ち勝つができました。下に見 られる人を受け入れて、その人たちにイエス様の愛を宣べ伝えたいです。娼婦と知り合っ て、現在の状況が分かってから、どうやって彼女らを手伝うかイエス様に知恵をうけるお祈 りをしています。
イエス様が私を特別なことをさせて、イエス様の御名の栄光を表すごとが今分かりました。 悪い状況は私が障れません。反面に、イエス様の力で、私は状況を変えられます。
– リー・リタ, シンガポール
When I was four, my father was imprisoned for drug trafficking. The financial situation in my family was very bad. My mother was not highly educated and earned just enough for me and my sister. We stayed near a red-light district, in a neighbourhood filled with drug addicts, prostitutes, gangsters, and those with mental problems. Initially, I was very scared, I kept asking why I had to stay in that area, but I had no choice – we had no other place to live.
After I accepted Jesus, the love of Jesus filled me and I was able to overcome my fears. I wanted to proclaim God’s name among the people and accept with God’s love those whom others looked down on. I got to know some prostitutes and their current circumstances and asked God to give me wisdom so that I can help and encourage them.
I now understand that God wants to use me to do special things so that I can glorify His name. Bad circumstances don’t affect me. On the other hand, I change circumstances with God’s strength.
– Rita Lee, Singapore
I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.